This page is for the optional individual make-up project. For other assignments see Group Project or Homework Assignments.
- Worth a maximum of ten percent of your grade
- Designed for those who need to make up poor midterm grades
Timing and Deadlines
- Due 5/5/08 by 6:30 pm.
- Due 4/28/08 - web site created and populated with some content so the instructor can review and provide guidance.
- Due 4/22/08 5pm - Submit your topic for approval
Plagiarism - read this!
The principles of academic integrity apply to web sites, wikis and blogs as well as written assignment papers. You must cite all sources, including all words that are not your own. "Cutting and pasting" content without attribution is plagiarism. Make sure you read the course Policies. Ask the instructor if you are not clear. You are responsible for understanding the policies.
Create a web site on anything that’s internet and business related e.g. the impact of the internet on a company, web design software packages, online privacy, …
- Your web site should include a minimum of five pages. Include links to information sources.
- The amount of content should be equivalent to about four pages double spaced.
- To create the web site I suggest you use the same tool you used for the first assignment (e.g. Google pages), but it’s up to you
- The assignment will be graded on web organization and content
- NOT fancy graphics
- But logical and easy to follow
Content Guidelines (work in progress)
Discuss the business impact the internet has had on your topic. Consider revenue, cost, profitability, competition and economics. Think $$$!
- Your own thinking, not just assembled from other sources
- But use data from relevant sources and include links to those sources
- Show you've learned something. Try to apply some techniques or concepts from class
- Maximum contribution of ten percent of your course grade
Topic Ideas
- How Dell Computer Inc. used the internet
- Apple Inc.
- NBC Universal
- A company that sells web development tools e.g. Adobe
- Microsoft Office vs. Google/Sun's StarOffice
- Google's entry into the mobile internet space
- Paypal
- more to come
- more to come