DUB Pies is as Brooklyn bakery that also sells its products online at http://dubpies.com
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Pie Shop Slides
Online Business Details
- Estimated 100,000 Australian expatriates in the USA, 20,000 in the Tri-State area
- Pies sell for about 5 dollars each
- Ship frozen in boxes of twelve
- Online retail uses a turnkey solution from Yahoo! Stores
- Note the use of customer feedback
- Marketing
- Extensive PR
- Almost no advertising
- Did use Google adwords for a while, but did not top up the account
You need to ask: how do your prospects and customers search for information? What sources have credibility for them?
According to the owner, his success is due to:
1) concentration on consistently producing a quality (hand made) product
2) great internet presence (and focus on making sure anyone who wants pies and looks to the web - finds us!)
3) a great idea whose time was long overdue
4) some good luck
He does little or no advertising:
we do all of our own PR
we've spent virtually nothing on direct advertising (unless you include the cost of the website - which has so far been put together at the cost of as many pies as our websdesigner can eat!) - haven't even sent out a single Press Releaseā¦ yet!
Analyzing the DUB Pies Business
See the DUB pies spreadsheet.